Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Babies and the Horse Magazine Collection

Just a word to let you know if you don't that I have an extensive horse magazine collection I have brought to school to share with YOU. Please see the purple metal bins at the back of the room. They are full of magazines. You may take and read them as you wish. I only ask that you remember to return them when you are finished.

I love to see my students reading!!

Here are some of my horse "babies" for you to see. ;)

We are Up and Running!

And finally....

Over the summer I made THREE, yes, three blogs for you kids and thought that they were all way too ugly to use. If you think that this new one is ugly, please keep it to yourself. I am very proud of myself and plan to use this SO much.

This is my very first post to you... If you have a Google account, you may comment on the blog. Of course, please remember your school manners at all times.
Here we go! See you tomorrow!
Love, Mrs. Schomburg