Thursday, December 18, 2008

Watch This

Kids... this song says so much and I am not sure what it would mean to a 6th grader, as opposed to an old lady like me.. but take the time to listen and know that God is with you.. even when life seems hard. Please know that things that seem like a really big deal to you now will be a very small memory one day. The great and wonderful memories are the ones that you will carry with you. Don't wish your life away. Enjoy being a kid. Stay one as long as you can. I love you.
Ms. Schomburg

Monday, December 15, 2008

GO Bulldogs! Mississippi State, that is. ;)

The kids were so excited, as was I, to have a visit from Kendrick Cook last week. Kendrick is a former AMS student who is now a starting freshman on the Mississippi State University football team. Kendrick, a tight end, had some great things to say to the 6th graders about the importance of education while he was here. ( Side note- I was star struck as any of the kids- I went to Mississippi State myself LOL)

Kids-- some of you mentioned wanting to have a copy of the photo. Right click on it then you can print or save it as you wish! :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

We made the news!

We will be featured in the St. Clair Times this week! Here is a preview of the photo that will be published in the paper. Our school has recieved a nine novel set for EACH student to KEEP. Townsend Press generously donated the book sets after I wrote them a letter regarding a book program they have. I am so excited to see kids reading all these books! You probably have seen The Bully book that already came home. This week, the eight other novels are in the hands of the kids!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Virtual Volcano

Today we played with virtual volcanoes on I have added the link for anyone who wants to play with it some more. On this site, you can choose the viscosity of magma and gas levels of volcanoes and see how it affects the eruption. Have fun! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Explosive Science

Today in Earth Science, we used alka selter to create pressure in film canisters. We observed the explosive results and compared it to the release of pressure in a volcanic eruption. Everyone had a BLAST! haha
Here we are at work!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

WORDS and more WORDS

This year, we are taking it up a notch with vocabulary instruction. In our room, we have word walls of all kinds in every nook and cranny. We even use the windows for words!! I thought you might like to take a peek and see some examples. We have a wall of words that we use in literature, a wall of computer and technology words, a wall of standards verbs ( words we might encounter in testing), a wall of words with common prefixes and suffixes, and a wall of new words we learn in our reading. I am so proud of our word walls and how much our students use them. Please enjoy a virtual visit to our classroom!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Earthquake Resistant Structures

Today we are designing and building earthquake resistant stuctures and testing them using a shake table. Our shake table is a home-made version made of rubber bands and cardboard. Jake called it a "red-neck" shake table, but it does the job.

Take a look at some of the structures we made today. Some resisted, some fell, and some... well... some didn't make it to the table. Regardless, the students enjoyed the process and learned what works and what doesn't. Enjoy!

Feel free to comment and tell us what you think! :)
Ms. S.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Babies and the Horse Magazine Collection

Just a word to let you know if you don't that I have an extensive horse magazine collection I have brought to school to share with YOU. Please see the purple metal bins at the back of the room. They are full of magazines. You may take and read them as you wish. I only ask that you remember to return them when you are finished.

I love to see my students reading!!

Here are some of my horse "babies" for you to see. ;)

We are Up and Running!

And finally....

Over the summer I made THREE, yes, three blogs for you kids and thought that they were all way too ugly to use. If you think that this new one is ugly, please keep it to yourself. I am very proud of myself and plan to use this SO much.

This is my very first post to you... If you have a Google account, you may comment on the blog. Of course, please remember your school manners at all times.
Here we go! See you tomorrow!
Love, Mrs. Schomburg